Wow....I started this blog in another life time it seems. I still admire and stand amazed at the words I spoke then are what I live by today.
Connecting to the right people!!!
I believe this is the most important thing you can do for yourself. If you want to grow in your relationship with the Lord. Connect yourself to church or a small group that will keep you accountable in your walk and encourage you in your Faith.

I am so thankful for the Men and Women that have been a key part of where I am today. It would take forever to list them all:) Some of our great friends are pictured above for my 30th birthday party on the waterfront in downtown Portland and my best friends Heather(right)and Linsey(left). God has been so faithful in bring you both into my life.Your support and encouragement are always constant.

I am thankful everyday for my hubby Douglas M. Wood. Without our walk together and our pursuit of God individually and as a couple we would not be where we are today. It was the June of 2009 that Doug and I began "the health (weight loss) leg" of our journey to a new us. We had tried our whole marriage to get healthy in our body every time failing miserably on every diet out there.Both of us overweight entering our marriage, we began our marriage surrounded by going out to dinner. Food was our life and we were in a tail spin of unhealthy habits and wanted desperately a way out.

Along came TAKE SHAPE for LIFE.... The key is LIFE. In June 2009 we began a journey out of being what we call Food Addicts to a life of choosing what we really wanted in LIFE a healthy body, healthy mind and healthy finances. It has been quite the journey and a daily choice of living in recovery.Not going to food to escape, but choosing to deal with emotions and live an active life.
A person does have to eat to survive so we are daily adapting Habits of Health and supporting others on this journey of breakthrough and replacing old habits with healthy habits.
We take daily steps also called secondary choices to support our fundamental choice of Staying Healthy and Living a Active Lifestyle.

My cousin Tim McCollough rides his bike in Iowa everyday rain,snow or shine. This inspires me!! He does this to support his fundamental choice to be a active and fit daddy. Shout out to you Cousin!!!
My friend Molly started this blog when she began her weight loss journey and life of healthy eating for her whole family. Now down 70 lbs!!! Love you Molly you are inspiring so many people on their journey of health.

Molly and her adorable daughter Matilda
Check out this yummy lean and green meal!!
Doug and I have learned that we need to use food as fuel. We now eat every 2-3 hours using the amazing tool of portioned controlled meal replacements. We are constantly on the go. This tool helps us maintain our weight loss and live an active lifestyle. Having these nutrient balanced meals to grab on the go keeps our metabolism going and helps us to not grab fast food being out and about. Being business owners, active in our church, and parents of two adorable girls there is never a dull moment and having these meals to grab is a lifesaver in maintaining a healthy weight and having the energy to keep up with our girls.

We are daily adapting healthy eating by preparing Lean and Green(Protein and Vegetables) meals and choosing healthier options when going out to dinner.Don't get me wrong we still enjoy our pizza once in awhile. Or join us for Sushi sometime. Shout out to Fugi's in Beaverton. But we know this can not be an everyday occurrence to support the the healthly body and life we really want.
Love this quote by Mark Twain- The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want. drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not.
We are Health Coaches with Take Shape for Life and have the blessing everyday to call this our job and career to support friends and family on this journey towards health. One day at a time living the Habits of Health.We would love to support you to if it's 10 lbs or 100 lbs or more you need to lose.If what you are doing to lose weight is not working this program and us as your free Health Coaches just might be your answer.
Dr. Andersen's website has current blogs and a health assessment test to learn your current reality.Check it out @ www.habitsofhealth.net Let us know if we can assist you towards your health and weight loss goals.We are all in this journey together to live a healthy and active life.
Over this past year we've had friends lose over 100 lbs on this program.It is amazing to share in there successes!! Doug and I together lost 100 lbs combined. As I look over the past two years... the word that sums it up is Contentment. I am so grateful to be in this journey with the most incredible husband and papa on the planet.
Contentment:in a state of peaceful happiness or satisfaction. ((content oneself with) accept as adequate despite wanting more:)
Taken from Bill Hybels Character study: Only when we have our hearts and lives filled with the love of God can we experience true contentment.
To have true contentment....you have to contend(grab hold of) of what you want. You deserve to have everything in your life exactly the way you want it. Are you willing to fight for it?

I will continue to contend for myself and those around me to have true contentment in there life.It is not a silver platter or cake walk..but it can be fireworks if you are willing to contend and pursue God and continue to reach out to those around you. Don't stop reaching. God is your defender and He has given you HOPE for the future.He never gives up on us!!!
Ps.35:1-2 Contend, Lord with those who contend with me. Fight against those who fight against me. Take up shield and armor arise and come to my aid.
I am blessed and content with my life, but I know there is more greatness in store. I desire others to experience breakthrough. I will continue to contend and run this amazing race that God has set before us.
Quote for this year "Someone is dependent on me getting breakthrough in my health, mind and finances." I must keep fighting and laying down my flesh.Daily Discipline creates a life of healthy habits.I am thankful that prayer moves the Hand of God. My God is faithful!!!!
May year "2011" bring Contentment in your Life and a passion to contend for those around you. The contending and daily discipline is worth the reward!!!Go after what you WANT in Life!!!
Love you All and Happy New Year!!!
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