Saturday, November 1, 2008

Fall has come!!

Change is in the air. Leaves are falling out my window as I type my first blog. Seasons of life come and go. I am learning through this process of life you just hold on for the ride."Thea write and share it."

I wish you you could all see the leaves fall out my window. The beauty that comes from the fall. If we didn't fall we won't have to get back up. Each time something falls off of us pride, insecurity, the list goes on... God comes along side and grows new branches of love, joy, confidence, patience, kindness...

Be strong my friends.. Step up, live your dream now. Surround yourself with people who encourage that dream. You are great mommies and don't let anyone tell you different.

Check out this conference I am figuring out a way to get there. They have a Kids Conference for your kids ages infant to 12. Start saving now ladies. Christine Caine is a key note speaker. One of the most dynamic speakers I have ever heard. She challenges you to a whole other level.

The season is changing in the natural and in many of our own lives. Lets hold on, join together, lift each other up prayer. This is an amazing journey of life we are on friends. We all need each other!!

Love you All-


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